Decmarc missiles - subnuclear, space combat against large ships.
Partiel missiles- chemical bioweapon, eat through armour systems and skin, like a large phosperus grenade.
Contained planitary nuclear (CPN) - Eliminates radiation effect, it also has enough power to level Two Cities each the size of New York City.
Pegasus - intergalactic strikermissile, enough power to take out an entire system
Ion cannons - Fires beams of ions (atoms or molecules with an electrical charge). An ion cannon is actually a type of Particle Cannon; only the particles used are ionized. Due to their electrical charges, they also have the potential to disable electronic devices, vehicles, and anything else that has an electrical or similar power source.
SHEEVA Missile - contrary to popular belief SHEEVA is not the Warhead. Shielded Halo Electronic Enhanced Vectoring Apperatus is the warhead delivery system. The two warheads carried by the SHEEVA Missile are the Neutron and Proton impulse devices the Neutron Warhead detonates a thousand feet off the ground and will in effect create a tiny Super Nova explosion where the resulting overpressure shockwave and heat do the damage (NO RADIATION WITH EITHER WARHEAD) the Neutron warhead will if detonated exactly at 1000 ft over flat ground destroy an area of 5 square miles and more than likely kill anyone unprotcted within 8 square miles of ground zero. the Proton Warhead is a Plasma Impulse Bomb based of of Particle collision technology creting a thermal flux and then a resulting chain reaction impulse. Significantly smaller than the Neutron Warhead but much more concentrated. This weapon system is deigned to deliver the maximum effect forward of the missle. It is designed to strike a hardend complex or base and decimate underground bunkers while destroying surface structures.
Partiel missiles- chemical bioweapon, eat through armour systems and skin, like a large phosperus grenade.
Contained planitary nuclear (CPN) - Eliminates radiation effect, it also has enough power to level Two Cities each the size of New York City.
Pegasus - intergalactic strikermissile, enough power to take out an entire system
Ion cannons - Fires beams of ions (atoms or molecules with an electrical charge). An ion cannon is actually a type of Particle Cannon; only the particles used are ionized. Due to their electrical charges, they also have the potential to disable electronic devices, vehicles, and anything else that has an electrical or similar power source.
SHEEVA Missile - contrary to popular belief SHEEVA is not the Warhead. Shielded Halo Electronic Enhanced Vectoring Apperatus is the warhead delivery system. The two warheads carried by the SHEEVA Missile are the Neutron and Proton impulse devices the Neutron Warhead detonates a thousand feet off the ground and will in effect create a tiny Super Nova explosion where the resulting overpressure shockwave and heat do the damage (NO RADIATION WITH EITHER WARHEAD) the Neutron warhead will if detonated exactly at 1000 ft over flat ground destroy an area of 5 square miles and more than likely kill anyone unprotcted within 8 square miles of ground zero. the Proton Warhead is a Plasma Impulse Bomb based of of Particle collision technology creting a thermal flux and then a resulting chain reaction impulse. Significantly smaller than the Neutron Warhead but much more concentrated. This weapon system is deigned to deliver the maximum effect forward of the missle. It is designed to strike a hardend complex or base and decimate underground bunkers while destroying surface structures.