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The Omni-Tool is worn on the opposite arm of the wearers strongest arm. This tool is used by every single Military and Political personel in Armintage. This tool allows quick and easy communication between other owners of the Omni-Tool. This tool can also hack into securtiy systems and is also a computer, with every single file on anything in all of Armintage and from other systems. An Omni-Tool is given to every soldier once they have completed their training. This tool is open to the public but is very expensive. |
![]() | Inserted into the users mouth, this re-breather is used when swimming underwater and in unbreathable conditions such as gas. This product is on the market for all citizens but a better and stronger model is used for Military purposes. There is an unlimited air supply because the filter inside this product filters any air or water and turns it into pure, breathable oxygen. |
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The Skyboard is basically a hoverboard, it is used for sporting events and has replaced the Earth developed skate boards. This earlier model of the board hovers around 20cm off the ground, it emmits a low humming sound when activated and it is very manoeuverable. This model can reachspeeds up to 70mph and is the only model avaliable to the public.
This newer, updated model of the original Skyboard is a lot faster and agile than it's predecessor. This model can reach speeds up to 110mph + depending on various modifications and how much the owner is willing to pay. This model is used for sporting events such as the Ulaman Games, which are held once every 2 Armintagian years. This model can also hover further from the ground, reaching heights up to 50 feet in the air, the rider can vary this height by pushing down on the right foot pad, using the left foot pad they can also alter the speed.

This Hydrogen processing adaptor is used as an alternative fuel to the scarce fuel sources known as petrol and diesel. The Hydrogen processor is used to fuel vehicles and homes alike, although a larger adaptop is needed for bigger objects such as homes. The processor converts the oxygen in the air into hydrogen and uses it to fuel the object. This idea was developed in the early years of the Armintagian Empire but has been adapted and developed into a more useful and powerful technology ever since. Each home and vehicle is automatically developed with this processor to prevent greenhouse gases from destroying the atmosphere.

The Animus is used to decode genetic memory in order to produce a visual simulation. Genetic memory is the accumulated memory of one's ancestors that is encoded in your DNA. The Animus simply decodes intuitive processes of life within animals, such as how birds know where to migrate to or how animals know how to reproduce. The memories generated by the Animus are those that cause people and animals to have unaccounted experience and intuition for. When the Animus' structure is seen, it has a regular bed with blue lights in circular motifs. There is a machine under the bed that runs experiences, and it appears to release a large amount of heat through the vents surrounding the machine. Despite the foolproof design of the machine, the user must first have a stable mental synchronization with the ancestor to allow the memory to be simulated.
![]() | The Orbital Stargates are used by Space ships to travel from one Orbital Stargate to the other using Slipspace. These Gates are posted throughout the Galaxy of Armintage to provide quick transport for Small Military and Citizen Ships. The Gates are powerd by manipulating the closest Planets Gravity to power the generators. The Gates also use Gravity Absorbant Shields. |