National Holidays

Every National Holiday in Armintage is celebrated with parties, decoration, gifts and much more. Each citizen is entitled to the day off education and work during Holidays.


New Year Eve - 31st December

New Year Day - 1st January

The Celebration of the New Year.

 Relations Day - 14th February

The Celebration of Love.

Armintage Day - 17th February 

The Celebration of Armintage's freedom

New Beginnings Day - 25th May

An Armintage equivalent to 'Spring Break'. This festival can last up to 2-4 Weeks.

Family Day -  13th July

The Celebration of Family

 Demon Day - 31st October

The Celebration of the Hell's Gate Demons

 Sacrifice Day - 25th December

The Celebration of all that has been lost to ensure Armintage's Future.



Armintage has a strict policy on Religion, although this may seem demanding it is indeed fair, the Religion in Armintage consists of Atheism andAgnosticism. Specific Religion in Armintage is seen as a negative way of portrayal. Religion in the past and other nations has been shown to produce War and unnecessary debates. So citizens are shown to be against Religion or open minded.


The Primary Language in Armintage is Galactic Basic. During the rule of Lucien the Language was Armintagian, but because of the increasing diversity of Armintage Culture, Galactic Basic was accepted as the Primary Language. Other Languages are spoken in Armintage but all Citizens are required to Speak Galactic Basic.

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