Westgate University (Tempestria)
The Largest University in all of Armintage, it houses over 5 Million Students and 3 Million Faculty. Centered in the heart of Armintage - Tempestria. Westgate is also the most successful University, with a 100% Graduation rate. Founded in the year 1500AD by Vincent Maletti. The University hosts a wise sillibus, Students can choose from around 5000 Subjects to study. The current Dean is Alistar Carmile.

Santham Military Academy (Typhonaria)
Named after the prestiged General, Santham was founded by the very man himself - Oran Santham. This academy is one of the best in the Universe, founded in 1608AD. The current Dean is Kaiden Michel.

Lyden Scientific Institute (Tempestria)
The most significant Scientific Research Building, 89% of all Armintage Technology is designed here, with over 1000 Scientists working around the clock to produce the best and newest technology.

The Theatre of Dreams
The largest Stadium in all of Armintage seating around 900,000 Spectators. It includes a state of the art Pitch which can change depending on the Sport. Also having a shield system to protect from bad weather.

National Armintage Museum
This museum houses all of the history of Armintage in it's vast archives. There are exact duplicates of this museum on various planets in the Armintage Galaxy. Funded as a National Project by the UAT it holds past artifacts and is the only place in Armintage to contain the Animus Machine. (See Technology Page)