Royal Guards

The Royal Guards are the Typhonian race, because they are the most powerful race in all of the Empire Lord Lucien especially requested this rare species to be his families personal guards. These guards are almost unmatched in power, only the strongest Typhonians are selected to be Royal Guards, upon selection they proceed through a rigurous training regieme that lasts for 5 years. Upon completion of this training the Guards are given Elite Armour and a Scouter, which can automatically give the Guards any information on anything in the Armintagian database with a simple request.

Each Batallion is commanded by a Dark Jedi, this is to heighten morale and Jedi usually have an upper hand in fighting non Force sensitive opponents. These Dark Force Users have been trained since birth in the ways of the Sith, they are expert tactitians and soldiers.

Above in an example of the ground infantry of Armintage, each soldier recieves 5 full years of specialist training before they are granted an official position in the military. During their 5 year training.
Upon completing training, each solider is given a set of armour. Marines have few bio-augmentations and usually wear passively camoflauged armored uniforms. They wear dark-colored metal-alloy armor to shield them from gunfire. Marine helmets are mounted with holographic text-displaying eyepieces and helmet recorders. As well as helmets, Marines on field operations in more humid locales sometimes choose to wear don visored and thicker helmets. This is their life and their pride, each soldier cherieshes this armour with their life, and they are rearly seen without it. The soliders are trained in all units of warfare, but each soldier excells in one of these types, such as sniper, or heavy weapons. The soldiers carry a weapon of their choice, along with a secondary weapon also of their choosing.
APD Soldiers

The APD of Armintage are hand selected at birth. A processor is implanted into their brain, training them to ignore emotion and to focus on the battle at hand. Each team of APD Soldiers consists of 4 members, each member specialising in his or hers own area of expertise. The APD are selected for suicide missions, or missions that an ordinary team of soldiers would not be able to complete. The APD are ruthless and answer only to Lady Altari and Admiral Denx.
Gundam Mobile Suits

The Gundam Mobile Suits are used in many combat situations, they are used mainly against enemy vehicles and in space against enemy fighters. The Suits are piloted by the best combatant pilots in all of the Empire. They are taken from their parents at birth and trained to be a Gundam Pilot, to be one of these is one of the greatest honours in the Empire. Training takes 6 years to fully complete, and because of this lengthy time Pilots of these grand machines are scarse, and are only used in desperate situations. The Suits have a fully in built oxygen supply for space and water combat, they also have flight capabilities for air encounters. The Suits use a MARK V Shield, the strongest the Armintage technology has to offer integrated into their mechanics. The suits also wierd a hand held weapon of their Pilot's choice, gun or a melee weapon, they also have in built weaponry such as missle launchers and machine guns to take out enemy emplacements with ease. They are very agile and are the best military advantage in all of Armintage. Each Suit is about 45-50 feet tall, depending on the Pilot's design.