Nuclear Shield
Demagan Nuclear Shield technology has been adapted to Capitol ships and Planets. The ships are able to extend the field around friendly ships to provide fleetwide defense from nuclear attack. All Major Planets in the Armintage Empire are protected by these shields and we are currently in the process of extending the shields to other planets.
Gravity Shield
Shield Generators are used for Planetary Defence, they draw power from the Planets gravitational Rescources so fueling is not neccessary. Upon Impact the shields use the Gravitational Energy rips apart the particles of the ammunition fired and absorbs the particles into the Gravitational Field. They have also been modified for the Armintage Space Fleet.

Deflector Shields
Deflector shields worked in a layered defense fashion: A volumetric field effect extended out from the surface of the shield projector, attempting to reduce the coherency of any beam attacks and deflect physical objects. The shield itself behaved in a manner similar to that of a thermally conductive material—energy applied was quickly diffused and re-radiated back into the environment, but the shield itself could also absorb some of the energy. The absorbed energy was shunted into heat sinks, and re-radiated at a lesser rate by the shield and neutrino radiators. The use of deflector shields on starfighters and other small craft, made them capable of hypersonic speeds in planetary atmospheres.
These Shields are fitted onto every Armintage Space Ship, whether it be a Fighter or a Dreadnought.
Super KiloMac Platforms
Internally, the stations are remarkably spacious, complete with high ceilings and a monorail system to move personnel and equipment. In addition to numerous small craft bays, there are four docks for larger ships, such as freighters, or even frigates. The design incorporates many features against potential hostile boarding action, including security stations and small arms racks situated at strategic locations. The primary and crucial armament is a KiloMac "Super" gun capable of causing near-fatal damage to even a shielded capital warship with a single slug. It can shoot a shell at enormous velocities, plus the shell usually weighs 3,000 tons. There are 150 point defence cannons on the station to help repel enemy fighters. Each Station contains it's own power plant, which generates it's own power which can be used for living environments and to charge it's primary defence, the KiloMAC cannon. Each Major Planet is surrounded by 8 of these platforms, for protection against invading and hostile ships.
Mega Plastor Cannons
Colossal weapons used by Armintage in Space Defence. These Guns, unable to move are fixed in offensive positions throughout Armintage Territory. It takes around 5 Minutes to fire and a further 10 Minutes to cool down. One blast from this cannon can incinerate a quarter to a half of a fleet in seconds. They have an automated targeting system