Cloud City

On Each of the Four Planets in Armintage, there is a Cloud City on each. A Cloud City is where the Military is based for that planet, it is always in an unknown position in the sky where it cannot be attacked by ground forces. This is where every single Military Unit is trained and garrissoned when not in battle, ships, fighters and Gundam Suits are refuled here. Each Cloud City boasts a strong defensive capability such as a MARK V shield generator, created by the massive pylons that surround the exterior of the base. The City is kept afloat by state of the art gravity generators, it also can be moved like a normal space ship, but it much slower die to it's sheer size. The City is commanded by a General at all times and it is always on full alert in case of any sudden enemy intrusions. Heavy artilery guns also help fortify the City, automatically destroying any unknown ship that fles within a 5 mile radius of the Cities position.
Repison Class Space Station

There are currently 12 of these stations in orbit. Primarily Space intelligence and refueling stations these gigantic platforms are used to support Armintage's space fleet. These stations are posted all around the galaxy, there is one platform for every habited planet. over 50,000 miles in lengh these stations can dock up to 15 destroyers at once. Each station contains it's own security personnel which is open for recruitment. Please note that the stations are not used for planitary defence, but for data gathering, expeditions and ship refitting and refuelling.